December 2018 was just like yesterday, but here we are in the end of 2019. Time flies so frickin fast, I don’t even know how to slow it down. I remember how I wish to start over my blog back in 2019, I have prepared everything : my own domain, cheap vps, even redesigning my own blog just to rise up my willingness to write. Write anything like this crap.
I believe when writing, we loose our tangled mind. It not has to be scientific writing, or amazing travel experience. Just writing daily journal with consistency is enough. Said procrastinator like me 🙂
So, what have I done in 2019? Not a fancy stuff, but as I remembered I want and maybe need this : reunite with my family after about 8 years stayed at Bandung. I have a job too, a nice job with amazing coworkers here, which is good as I start a commitment to pay our home bills. I have enough savings as I ‘m not do daily smoke like I did in Bandung. Ah! and one more thing is I found a new hobby : cooking! I don’t know but since in college I have this interest in cooking, maybe that is my true passion. Who knows..
Ok, maybe this is enough. I dont want to rush writing my blog, I just want to write my daily journal consistently. Even, I’m not redesigning this blog yet. Just using simple wordpress template so I don’t lose a momentum to write.
That’s it, have a great day!